Nov 8, 2009

The Bubble Strikes Again!

I'm mad tonight. I'm mad at Carrie Prejean. But even more than that, I'm mad at all the inhabitants of the Christian Bubble who elevated her to the status of "Paragon of Faith" for no other reason than that she said in a public forum that she was personally opposed to same-sex marriage.

Seriously, is that all it takes to be a modern day hero of the faith? If I go on national TV and proclaim my opposition to same-sex marriage or abortion, can I get a book deal and a national speaking tour? If I speak out publicly on one of the two issues that seem to matter to the Christian Bubble, will you willingly overlook everything else that might be going on in my life?

I'm speaking, of course, about the newest revelations from Carrie Prejean's battles back and forth with the Miss California organization. They were suing to recover the $6000 they gave her for breast implants. She was counter-suing for $1 million because they revealed that she had breast implants. The lawsuits were suddenly settled a few days ago, and everybody was hush-hush about the details.

The details? The details are that Prejean agreed to drop her lawsuit because the Miss America organization got their hands on her solo sex tape. HER SEX TAPE!

Now please don't misunderstand me. I'm not condemning Carrie Prejean for videotaping herself, or having someone else videotape her, in a "solo x-rated video". There are far too many poor decisions and sins in my own life to be condemning her. I'm mad at her tonight because she cashed in on her 15 minutes of Christian fame to further her own career. She used the Christian Bubble and its inhabitants to become famous.

But as I said earlier, I'm even angrier at the Christian Bubble itself tonight. I just keep wondering when we'll wake up and start using our heads. We literally elevate people like Carrie Prejean and the Gosselins to faith-celebrity status without knowing anything about them. And what do we do when they fall? What have we done with Jon and Kate since infidelity, monster-mom-ness, and divorce? What will we probably do with Carrie Prejean since knowledge of her sex tape has become public? Do we extend them grace and lovingly restore them to faith and unity? Probably not. We'll probably gossip about them for awhile, then forget about them as quickly as the news media will let us. We'll find some new faith-celebrity to worship. Or maybe we'll just fall back on one of our standbys. I hear Kirk Cameron has a new movie coming out...

The Bubble strikes again.

Nov 5, 2009

#tt (Thiefin' Thursday)

This week's Thiefin' Thursday comes in the form of a video in a post about the Simply Youth Ministry Conference. Unless you plan on going to the conference, ignore the post. But definitely check out the video. It speaks awesomeness about what youth ministry is all about. Enjoy!

Thursday Office

My Thursday office: Wholly Ground Coffee and Tea. 

Pictured: Bible, laptop, notebook, preliminary notes, devotional, coffee, view of the world. 

Not pictured: parallel Greek/NASB/NIV new testament, iPhone, cheese danish.